Smart move! You are confirmed for the Spotlight Series to be a Featured Practitioner of the Week...

...and entered to win one of the five spots to have your 30 second promo video appear as a commercial on EnergyHealing TV!

Details and information about the process for creating your video "ad" are being emailed to you now

Just imagine interested and eager people finding you...

... and reaching out to you to find out about working with you...

... it's what most healers want more than anything, and I want you to be ready for it!

So I have one more very special invitation for you...

... I want you to know EXACTLY what to say, and what to ask, and how to powerfully, effectively, and authentically invite people to work with you

... and that's called... Sales! (I know, the dreaded "S" word)

Most healers really struggle with the actual sales conversation when interested people want to find out about working with you -- in fact, it seems like most healers are "allergic" to sales! But it doesn't have to be that way, not once you learn Heart-Centered, Soulful Sales.

So if you are truly ready to start creating a thriving energy healing practice of any size, whether you are just starting out or been a healer for years, I invite you to join me at a special online event, exclusively for Energy Healers, coming up soon:


The Heart and Soul of Sales for Healers

What if you could spend three loving and healing days with a community of empowered healers just like you...

... transforming yourself and your business from the inside out in a safe, sacred, and empowering space...

... learning from an energy healer who built a 6 figure energy healing practice and helps others do the same...

... and leave knowing exactly what to say to have interested people leaning in to work with you, happy to pay you, and ready to have you change their lives...

All for just $97 ?

You can! Click below to get all the details, and sign your amazing self up for 

