Research shows: People learn more and absorb information at a deeper level when they’re with peers…    focused on the same goals… *

...The Heart & Soul of Sales for Healers

Three Day Online Event – Exclusively for Healers...

Find Your Path to Soul-Centered Success doing the work you love!

Live Online May 20, 21 and 22, 2024

Tired of trying to fit your soul inspired, heart-based, “woo woo” self and healing work…

… into the cramped confines of traditional business models, sales systems, and marketing funnels that weren’t built for you…

… and will never work for you?

It’s like being a genie stuck in a bottle!

Do you feel like you and your healing work just don’t fit that old school "this is how you're supposed to do business" model? That’s because almost everything you’re being told about how you should be doing sales and marketing, and how to create your business online…

… doesn’t apply to healers

Healers, this event is for you if you find yourself saying…

  • I don’t have enough paying clients!
  • I’m not sure I’m cut out to "run a business”
  • I hate asking for money and I give away too much for free
  • I am tired of doing a side job when this is my passion
  • I’ve tried and invested in so many things that haven’t worked for me
  • I don’t have time to try to figure this out on my own!
  • I just want to help people, why does it have to be so hard?

It doesn’t have to be that way...

there's something better for you

It's time to drop the old, outdated, mindset and approach you’ve been “sold” that’s keeping you trapped…

Come to Soul’d! and discover the new way healers are using Heart-Centered Sales to fill their healing session calendar right now -- with paid sessions!

“Somewhere between Icky-Salesy and Starvation there is a high road for healers who are Soulpreneurs.”

Ann Hession, 

Medical intuitive, energy healer, and heart-centered sales expert, created a 6 figure energy healing practice in just over one year! -- and she's inviting you to come and spend three days with her and other healers who speak your language, who are like-minded and like-hearted. Together we’ll create a whole new possibility for you and your business that allows you to…

… be your own authentic self, confident, clear, and connected...

… even when you’re “selling”

… so that you can easily talk about and offer your wonderful gifts and services and create the successful healing business you want!

Come to this transformational event and discover how Sales and Soul come together in harmony...

... learn the "woo woo" of sales and the sales of "woo woo"

... and get yourself on this alternative path specifically designed for healers.

It's time for you to make the difference you're here to make!

Register now and you'll also get this special bonus before Soul'd!:

"Healer Support Power Package!"

Your "Healer Support Power Package" includes:

3 LIVE Group Energy Healing and Coaching Sessions before the Soul'd event, to get you ready and permanently clear away blocks and imbalances holding you hostage:

  • Session 1: Self Worth and Self Sabotage - break free from the hidden beliefs and patterns from the past
  • Session 2: Money and Abundance Blocks - learn my exact process for clearing blocks to financial success
  •  Session 3: Promoting Yourself and Being "Known" - the courage to stop hiding - you can stand tall and flourish and make the difference you are here to make!
  • Recordings of these coaching and healing sessions will be available!

It's your time to flourish and grow!

Here's what other Healers like you have to share about

"Soul'd! The Heart and Soul of Sales for Healers" Live Online Event

" ... this event is truly transformational and worth every penny! The knowledge and change that occurs comes from a heart centered place and is truly needed. You don’t want to miss out!"

Kelsey Hentzen,

"Don't delay in signing up, it will be the most comprehensive class you will take.

You get a blueprint which includes every aspect of your healing business. It's easy to follow." 

Linda B Riddle, Transformational Coach Energy Healer  

"Do it, do it, do it - but make sure you can commit the time to go in fully!"

Kate Foggo,

"I would highly recommend this because it gets past all the hype on the internet and really centers on how to connect with people from your heart with confidence and feeling safe."

Marsha Greene,

Soul'd-Centered Sales

Most healers resist sales so much!

But sales doesn't have to feel icky, manipulative, pushy, or anything like that at all -- ever!

It can be authentic, connecting, fun, and a true joy...

...once you learn how sales can come straight from your heart and true to your soul.

There’s a new way to have those sales conversations…

a proven, heart-based way that healers are already using

to sign up new ideal clients every day!

Come to Soul’d! and learn about

the Energetics of Sales, and how to use the intuition you already have to create the success you want!

Here’s what you will experience at the three day online Soul’d event.

  • Eliminate your allergy to sales so your conversations feel good and sales happen effortlessly
  • Ditch “icky sales” fears for good and find yourself approaching sales conversations with confidence and clarity
  • Learn how to set up sales conversations so they don’t even feel like sales at all, but instead just have people leaning in to work with you
  • Turn the corner from devaluing yourself and your gifts to fully embracing the power and magic of what you bring to the world
  • Align your life, your passion, and your financial well-being to resonate in harmony with your life’s purpose… so you’re making the difference you’re here to make… and being paid for it!
  • Realize you don't have to figure this out on your own... there's a way that was meant for you
  • Get out of the “broke healer” trap and never go back!

And that’s just the beginning of what the 3 day Soul’d event will give you

… and because Soul’d is exclusively for healers, it’s the perfect space for learning and expanding yourself and your skills, where it’s safe for you to be vulnerable, and get the transformation you want with the loving support you need.

In just 3 days, discover how to become the successful healer you were meant to be and make the difference in the world only you can make!

Sign up for “Soul’d!” here: 

May 20, 21 and 22, 2024

Your Soul'd! ticket includes the 3 day event itself, PLUS your BONUS "Healer Support Power Package" before Soul'd -- 3 live group energy healing and coaching sessions on:

Session 1: Self Worth and Self Sabotage

Session 2: Money and Abundance Blocks

Session 3: Promoting Yourself and Being "Known" for the amazing work you do!


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