Soulpreneur Success Code Special Offer:
New Client Accelerator Program!
I'm Ann Hession, energy healer AND Heart-Centered Sales expert, and my goal is to support you in having a thriving, fulfilling, and successful business doing the healing or coaching work you love so much...
... so you can make the difference in the world you’re here to make...
... and be paid well to do it!

Did you know... there’s a super common mistake that most healers, coaches, and
soulpreneurs make right at the beginning that kills off what could be an amazing sales conversation before it even gets started – and you are probably doing it every time.
In fact, it’s kind of like a trap your prospective client is setting for you, without even meaning to!
Mastering even just this one piece of the conversation can have a HUGE impact on enrolling new clients who are eager to work with you and growing your business with confidence, alignment, and authenticity.
I'm here to show you how to:
- Spot the “trap” your prospective customers or clients are setting for you – even though they don’t know they are doing it!
- Use a simple and intuitive process to turn that “trap” into a natural, authentic, and enrolling conversation, that will:
- Help you (and your prospect) naturally explore whether you are a good fit – without any pressure
- Get you high quality referrals, even from those people who aren’t a fit for you themselves
- Stop you from talking too much and then seeing their eyes start to glaze over (tell the truth, we’ve all done it!)
- Let you know exactly what they need to hear to say “Yes!” to explore working with you further
- Give you a natural and graceful way to transition the conversation from a simple expression of interest to a true sales conversation that THEY want to have with you!
Once you learn this simple process, you’ll be amazed how natural it feels to start a 100% authentic and confident conversation with your prospective clients – and create a heart-centered connection with them before you even start working together!
Introducing the:
New Client Accelerator Program
...designed to give you the exact support and structure you need
to get what you want – new clients!
Here’s what your New Client Accelerator Program includes:
- First, the "Sales Conversation Secrets: Heart-Centered Sales... made simple" training guide itself, that will walk you Step By Step through how to have your own authentic, empowering, and effective conversations with potential clients
- Second, the Sales Conversation Secrets Video Series -- 8 part training series that will guide you through the nuances of and help you master all the steps in the Sales Conversation Secrets training guide
- Your Sales Conversation Secrets Workbook to guide you step by step through the whole training
- Your "My Heart-Centered Sales Conversation" Guide -- your personalized Guide to how to connect with people and invite them to work with you, without feeling fake, pushy, or salesy!
- Three months live support, coaching, feedback, community, and deep group energy clearing in the Soulpreneur Success Academy
That's right...
With the New Client Accelerator Program you also get live coaching, mentorship, and energetic clearing to support you in creating your success with a three month membership in the Soulpreneur Success Academy. This is a live 90 minute monthly group Q&A, Coaching, Support, and Energy Healing call with me.
The Soulpreneur Success Academy itself is normally $157 per month, making this three month membership a value of $471.
And the Sales Conversation Secrets training including videos, plus the workbook and guide, are valued at $297.
For a combined value of $768
... but you can get this special offer for only $37!
As a healer, coach, heart-based business owner, I want you to know you really can have a thriving business doing what you love, making the difference you want, without having to force your soul-inspired, maybe even “woo woo” self into models of business and marketing and selling that were not created for people like us – there’s a different path, what I call the soulpreneur path, and my passion and commitment is to help you along that path so you can have that amazing healing business you envision, in a way that’s totally aligned and authentic to your heart.
If that resonates with you, if you’re finding this heart-centered approach to business is calling to you, I invite you to take advantage of this special offer to get your Sales Conversations Secrets for free, and then you'll see the opportunity to get the New Client Accelerator Program for only $37: