You just took a simple action to create a BIG impact on your business!
If you’re a “sales averse” (maybe even “sales allergic!”) healer or heart-centered entrepreneur, I want you to know for sure that you CAN be effective at sales, without ever being anyone other than your own authentic self – you just need the skills!
This free guide, SALES CONVERSATION SECRETS: Heart-Centered Sales… made simple is on its way to your inbox!
This is the perfect place to start, and the simple process you’ll learn here will start to turn around your potential sales conversations as soon as you start using it!
Special Invitation:
Do you know how to invite your prospective clients to work you without feeling fake or salesy?
Take a quick assessment designed to help you discover where you are on track toward your goals and get crystal clear around what missing pieces are holding you back from experiencing the results you desire.

It’s time to create a truly profitable business doing the work you love.
To your success!
Much love,
Ann Hession