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Ann Hession is a healer and heart-centered sales expert, who helps healers and soulpreneurs who have amazing gifts for the world but are “allergic” to sales and selling.
Which makes it hard to help the people you are here to help!
Ann built a 6 figure energy healing practice, and she's dedicated to helping healers create thriving businesses doing what they love.
In this live interactive workshop, learn how you can talk about your wonderful work, and invite people to work with you, from a place of confidence, empowerment, and clarity -- and without ever feeling fake, pushy, or salesy!
Ann Hession, Energy Healer, Medical Intuitive, Heart-Centered Sales Expert, and Founder of the Soulpreneur Success Code
Friday, October 27
10 - 11 PT / 1 - 2 ET
Here's what you'll leave this interactive interview with:
Discover the biggest mistake healers make at the very beginning of a conversation about what you do, that's killing off the conversation before you even start!
EXACTLY what to do instead, to open up a connected, heart-based, and effective enrollment conversation.
What to say when someone says "I can't afford it" that will help you get even more connected to the person and their needs and help that concern just... disappear!
And so much more -- you'll leave with new skills you will be able to use that day, and for good, to start enrolling new healing clients with confidence, clarity, and deep connection!
Join us for this live workshop and step into sharing your gifts in the world!