My special offer to you...

You're invited to:

"Soul'd! The Heart and Soul of Sales for Healers"

3 day live online event 

November 18, 19, 20, 2024

Because you are a current client of mine...

Get your  VIIIP ticket to the

SOUL'D! Event

by November 10

for only $194 $77 

SOUL'D! Live Online Event

November 18, 19, 20, 2024

I can't wait to share this event with you! I promise you and your healing business will never be the same...

Soul'd! will give you the skills, freedom, and empowerment to sell your amazing services with ease, from a place of total authenticity and heart connection. Soul'd is an empowering space, a magical environment of support, skill building, expansion, and transformation, within a safe community of your fellow healers, so you can grow, expand, and breakthrough to the thriving and vibrant healing business waiting for you!

“SOUL'D!" is a three day live ONLINE event for Healers!

Come hone your skills and dive deeper into Heart-Centered Sales, and discover how healers are already using heart-centered, soulful sales to...

... have prospective clients leaning in to work with you

... so you never have to dread a sales conversation again!

How to turn "selling" (hard and scary) into "Sold" (so much easier!) and even into "Soul'd!" (you'll love this :-)

Learn the Energetics of Sales, so you can tune in to the conversation in a whole new and intuitive way and easily meet people exactly where they are... 

... where invitations are easy, effortless, and never feel pushy or uncomfortable.

It's all about understanding the "woo woo" of sales, that makes all the difference in the sales of your wonderful "woo woo!"

Let yourself step into and receive the exact support you need right now-- register your spot for only $77 now -- until November 10 you'll get a free upgrade to VIIIP for less than the price of a regular ticket!

(That's VIIIP for Very Important, Intuitive, Inspired Person!)

Can’t wait to see you there, register below:

November 18, 19, 20, 2024

Register now and you'll also get this special bonus before the Soul'd! Live Event:

"Soulful Success Power Package!"

Your "Soulful Success Power Package" includes:

3 LIVE Group Energy Healing and Coaching Sessions before the Soul'd event, to get you ready and permanently clear away blocks and imbalances holding you hostage:

  • Session 1: Self Worth and Self Sabotage - break free from the hidden beliefs and patterns from the past
  • Session 2: Money and Abundance Blocks - learn my exact pr2cess for clearing blocks to financial success
  •  Session 3: Promoting Yourself and Being "Known" - the courage to stop hiding - you can stand tall and flourish and make the difference you are here to make!
  • Recordings of these coaching and healing sessions will be available!

It's your time to flourish and grow!

Here's what other healers like you have to say about attending the Soul'd! live online event:

" ... this event is truly transformational and worth every penny! The knowledge and change that occurs comes from a heart centered place and is truly needed. You don’t want to miss out!"

Kelsey Hentzen,

"Don't delay in signing up, it will be the most comprehensive class you will take.

You get a blueprint which includes every aspect of your healing business. It's easy to follow." 

Linda B Riddle, Transformational Coach Energy Healer  

"Do it, do it, do it - and make sure you can commit the time to go in fully!"

Kate Foggo,

"I would highly recommend this because it gets past all the hype on the internet and really centers on how to connect with people from your heart with confidence and feeling safe."

Marsha Greene,

This special upgrade is only available for a limited time, so get your VIIIP ticket to Soul'd now for only $77 -- through May 6th!

Here's what your VIIIP ticket to Soul'd includes:

In addition to the 3 day live online event experience itself -- which will transform you and your healing business forever...

... these powerful live group sessions only for VIIIP healers:

Pre-event VIIIP Workshops:

"Social Media for Healers and Soulpreneurs" with Katja Rusanen

Katja is a best selling author, Story Coach, Spiritual Mentor and Creator of the Client Attraction Story System. She works with healers and lightworkers to help them use social media to reach and inspire others through their own unique story and journey.
Authenticity and connection is what matters to healers, and to our clients, and Katja has to proven approach that works and feels right for people like us!  In this Workshop, you'll learn:

  • 3 essential keys that will give you a big boost in your engagement
  • How to catch your ideal clients’ attention on social media and stop them scrolling
  • The #1 thing you must include in your posts to start converting followers into clients

"Pendulum Fundamentals for Healers and Soulpreneurs" with

Maggie Salter, Psychic Medium

Maggie is an intuitive spiritual coach with over 35 years experience in transformational healing. She has a way of simplifying the intuitive arts in a way that is practical, applicable and fun! You will get results and understand better how and why this object is an effective tool for you in your daily and spiritual life!

In this interactive workshop you'll learn:

  • How to word your questions to get the clearest answers.
  • How to clear your mind and energy field and your pendulum to enhance the process.
  • How to know when to use your pendulum.
  • How to know what the pendulum baseline is and how to hold it for the most accurate results!
  • Ways to use your pendulum in a Reiki or energy session!
  • Recording included!


VIIIP Deep Healing Session with Ann Hession

Join your host Ann Hession for a special healing session the day before Soul'd begins!

This special session, for VIIIPs only, will be your opportunity for small group coaching and a special energy healing session with Ann -- and a special guest -- to help you get the very most out of your Soul'd! transformation!

We'll dive deep into the biggest energetic challenges you may be facing as a healer or transformation facilitator with a mission to make a big difference in the world, and how to be paid well for the amazing work you do!

Deep energy healing for all VIIIPs, don't miss this special session! 
